Until the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, Fajr in almost all countries was determined by observation and calculation at 19° below the horizon. However, with the influence of Western astronomy and the neglect of Muslim research, Fajr was set at 18°, which was previously a minority opinion in Islamic astronomy.
Fajr MWL
Fasting begins with Fajr. However, as a precautionary measure, this method subtracts about 2 minutes from the calculated Fajr time for starting the fast. It's important to note that although this adjusted time allows for the commencement of fasting, it might be too early for performing the Fajr prayer.
The true Fajr (18°) is the reference point for the prayer time. Under optimal conditions, the first faint light appears on the horizon, indicating the beginning of the Fajr prayer time. Prayers performed after this time are considered valid. However, there is an opinion to wait a little longer after this time to be sure that the time has indeed begun.
At 15°, the sky is significantly brighter compared to that at 18°. At this point, the red glow of the sun becomes stronger. Although it is permissible to perform the Fajr prayer at this time, it's important to note that starting the fast at this stage would be too late.
Fajr prayer 12° (wrong)
At this stage, the horizon is well defined, and the outlines of objects on land or at sea become clearer. During nautical dawn, the sky displays a mixture of deep blue and reddish-violet hues. The Fajr prayer at this time would be valid, but consuming food until this time would invalidate the fast.
Fajr prayer 90 minutes (wrong)
The Fajr prayer 90 minutes before sunrise (Shuruk) is valid if it occurs after the time of 18°. However, it is not correct to begin fasting at this time. The shortest and longest times between Fajr and Shuruk this year are 35 and 217 minutes.
Shuruk (sunrise) MWL with precautionary measures implemented
The sun should now be just below the horizon, but if you are on a mountain peak, it may become visible earlier. To account for this, this schedule adds 2 minutes to the calculated time for sunrise as a precaution. It is considered risky not to complete the prayer before the end of this adjusted time.
Shuruk (sunrise)
Sunrise by calculation. In most cases, it would already be too late for the Fajr prayer.
End of Asr
The end of the Asr prayer occurs when the sunlight turns reddish and one can look directly at the sun with the naked eye. It is considered sinful to delay the prayer beyond this point. However, it remains obligatory to perform the Asr prayer until the time of the Maghrib prayer. In emergency situations, the prayer can still be performed after this time without it being considered a sin.
The new day according to the solar calendar. Today, in sha Allah, the sun will set at -38.42° below the horizon. On some days this year, the sun will not descend more than -1.57°.
Islamic Midnight
The end of the Ishaa time. Islamic midnight refers to the midpoint between sunset (Maghrib) and dawn (Fajr). The midpoint between 6:09 PM and 7:00 AM is 12:33 AM. In northern latitudes the Ishaa in summer can be after the islamic midnight. In this case, Ishaa time extends until Fajr.
The last third of the night is considered a time of great importance in Islam and should be increasingly utilized for worship and supplication.
The Islamic night begins with Maghrib (6:09 PM) and ends with Fajr (7:00 AM). Therefore, this time refers to the period from 2:42 AM to Fajr.
Isha ends with Fajr (Ijtihad)
In the north, the Islamic midnight (12:33 AM) can occur on some days after isha. Should this case occur, or if there is no longer enough time to perform isha before midnight, isha will be extended until Fajr.
Ḍuhā time
Ḍuhā begins when the Sun is elevated one spear length, and lasts until Istiwāʾ. This is also the time of the ʿĪd prayer.
The Forbidden Time at Solar Noon
When the sun's disk is at its zenith, the time during which voluntary prayers are forbidden begins. This period lasts until the start of Dhuhr.
The Dhuhr prayer begins after the sun's disk has passed the zenith (highest point) and started to descend. It ends with the beginning of the Asr prayer time (the afternoon prayer).
Dhuhr According to the Shadow Length Method
According to this opinion, the Dhuhr prayer begins as soon as the shadow starts to lengthen again after the sun has reached its highest point. The prayer time thus begins when the shadow has extended by the smallest measurable amount, for example, 1 mm.
Dhuhr with precautionary measures implemented
According to a fatwa by the MWL, 2 minutes are added as a precaution to the Dhuhr prayer.
Asr begins when the shadow of an object is equal to its actual length plus the length of its shadow at the time of Dhuhr.
Asr with Implemented Precautionary Measures
According to the MWL fatwa, 2 minutes are added to the Asr prayer time as a safety measure.
Asr (Hanafi)
Asr, according to one opinion in the Hanafi madhhab, begins when the shadow of an object becomes twice its actual length plus the length of its shadow during the Dhuhr prayer. It is noteworthy that this is just one opinion of the Hanafi madhhab. Not all Hanafis share this opinion. Countries like Turkey do not use this method.
Sunset through calculation and thus the new day according to the Islamic calendar. In many cases, it would be too early to pray and too early to break the fast.
Maghrib with Implemented Precautionary Measures
According to the MWL fatwa, 2 minutes are added to the Maghrib prayer time as a safety measure.
Ishaa prayer 90 minutes after sunset (wrong).
The Ishaa prayer 90 minutes after sunset (Maghrib) is only valid if it occurs after the Ishaa of 17°. The shortest and longest time between Maghrib and Ishaa this year are 35 and 217 minutes.
Ishaa prayer at 12° (wrong)
The sky displays a mixture of deep blue and reddish-violet hues during nautical twilight. The Ishaa prayer at this time would be invalid in any case.
Ishaa Prayer at 15° (high risk)
The sky becomes significantly darker at 15°. The last sunlight is now only faintly visible near the horizon. In areas with light pollution, artificial light may already be stronger than sunlight. The reddening of the sky starts to fade away at this point, although it may remain visible until 17°.
The Ishaa prayer begins after the disappearance of the redness of the evening twilight. This occurs approximately when the sun is 17 degrees below the horizon. Ishaa ends with the Islamic midnight.
Isha with Implemented Precautionary Measures
According to the MWL fatwa, 2 minutes are added to the Isha prayer time as a safety measure.
The new day according to the solar calendar. Today, in sha Allah, the sun will set at -38.08° below the horizon. On some days this year, the sun will not descend lower than -1.57°.
His name is Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm ibn Yaḥyā al-Naqqāsh al-Zarqālī (al-Zarqālah) al-Tujibi, and he passed away in the year 493 of the Hijrah, which corresponds to the year 1100. The instrument maker and astronomer from Andalusia. His astronomical instruments and works would continue to be used for another 400 years. The great astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus cited from his works...
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